Outreach Institute set for July in St. Paul

The sixth annual “Outreach Leadership Institute” will be held July 13-15 at Concordia University, St. Paul, Minn.  Theme of the institute will be “Christian Outreach on the Move — North America Ablaze!
The institute is sponsored jointly by the Oswald Hoffmann School of Christian Outreach, which is based at Concordia, St. Paul; LCMS World Mission; and the Lutheran Education Association.  Designed as a “training event for church leaders who have a heart for evangelism and outreach,” the event is open to both professional church workers and laypeople.
Speakers will be Rev. Scott Snow, director of outreach with LCMS World Mission, and Rev. Mark Joeckel, executive director of the Lutheran Inter-City Network Coalition, Dallas.  Rev. Dean Nadasdy, LCMS third vice president, will lead daily devotions.
Highlights of this year’s institute are reaching out to those with special needs, working in partnership for urban outreach, and special sessions for Lutheran classroom teachers and for congregational outreach staffs.
Training-module topics include “making disciples,” outreach for rural/small-town congregations, sharing Christ in urban schools, reaching out to children, using small groups for outreach, developing a vision for outreach, assimilating newcomers, reaching out to visually impaired and disabled people, and sharing faith in conversation.
Registration is $175 by May 30, or $190 after that date, and includes meals.  Lutheran Education Association (LEA) members receive a $10 registration discount.  On-campus housing is $22 per night double occupancy or $35 per night for a single.
For more information or to register, visit the Outreach Leadership Institute Web site or call the Oswald Hoffmann School of Christian Outreach at (651) 641-8701.

Posted April 3, 2006

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