Campus mission conference extends discount deadline

“Early-bird” registration for the third annual LCMS Campus Mission “Confabulation,” set for May 17-20 at the Hilton Cincinnati Airport Hotel, has been extended by two weeks to March 19.  Those who register by that date will receive a $50 discount.

Early registration is campus logo$125 for college students and $175 for others.  After March 19, registration will be $175 for college students and $225 for others.

Registration includes six meals and a T-shirt.  Housing is available at the Airport Hilton for $99 per night (one or two per room) or $109 (three or four).

The Confabulation is sponsored by the Lutheran Campus Mission Association (LCMA), a mission society that works in partnership with LCMS World Mission to promote campus ministry on its behalf.

This year, the LCMA is offering $125 “rebates” to qualifying ministries to encourage first-time participants to attend the Confabulation.  To be eligible for a rebate, a ministry may not have been represented at a previous Confabulation, and at least one leader and one college student from the ministry must attend.

Theme of the 2007 Confabulation will be “A Blazing Witness,” based on Daniel 3 — the biblical account of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego surviving the fiery furnace.

The event is designed to encourage and equip professional campus workers, lay volunteers, college students, district mission staff, and others interested in campus ministry to “give ‘A Blazing Witness’ to their faith on campuses around the country,” according to Rev. Greg Fairow, LCMS campus mission catalyst.

Keynote speaker will be Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto, director of the Concordia Seminary (St. Louis) Institute on Lay Vocation.  Siemon-Netto will focus on the need for Christians to be witnesses in whatever career paths they may follow.

Also speaking will be Dr. Thomas Ahlersmeyer, president of Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Mich., and Dr. Patrick Ferry, president of Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon.

Dr. Robert Weise, professor of practical theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, will lead Bible studies at the conference.

Also available will be breakout sessions on funding campus ministries; reaching out to international students; using music in a campus ministry; training “peer ministers”; connecting with Lutheran Student Fellowship, the Synod’s national organization for college students; and reaching out to students through concerts and other special events.

Other Confabulation activities include worship, a “servant event,” a panel discussion, and a concert.

For more information or to register online, visit the LCMA Web site at

Posted March 9, 2007

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