Letters to the Editor (April)

Hispanic ministry

I was very interested after reading February’s front-page story with the headline reading, “Hispanic Lutherans share concerns.”  It is wonderful that the LCMS recognizes the specific ministry needs of our Hispanic brothers and sisters in Christ.

In the story, Rev. Eloy Gonzalez called Hispanic ministry a “whole-church issue,” and that is how we should view it.

The summit in St. Louis was a good first step.

I definitely favor more ways to help Hispanics feel welcomed in the LCMS — such as publishing in Spanish and providing access to Lutheran schools, as mentioned in the article.

With a great diversity of people in our country — and especially a growing Hispanic population — the LCMS should keep focusing on ways to be one people. When all the members of the LCMS begin to truly come together, we will be able to accomplish more as we share God’s Word in a collaborative effort.

Amanda August (age: 18)
Fraser, Mich.

Name change

A synodical name change is not “a minor but significant adjustment,” as Rev. Joel R. Kurz suggests in his February letter.

The word “Missouri” in our Synod’s name is not a regional designation, but the statement of a theological position.  The name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod declares that we are a church body which believes, teaches, and confesses the teachings of Holy Scripture.

Our name still means something, and should be retained just as it is.  No changes, please.

Rev. Robert E. Yount
Kewanee, Ill.

The letter discussing a possible name change for our church reminded me of a recent incident here in Kenya.

Although “Missouri” is a very familiar word to Americans, it is not a word that is always known abroad.

While discussing future mission work in the Pokot area of northern Kenya, indigenous church leaders said they wanted to work with the “Mzuri” Synod.  “Mzuri” is a Swahili word that means “good.”

We decided they had the right idea.

Rhoda Hogue
Kenya, East Africa

Rev. Claude and Rhoda Hogue are missionaries to East Africa with LCMS World Mission. — Ed.

Please send letters via e-mail to REPORTER@lcms.org or by mail to REPORTER Letters, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7295.  Please include your name, postal address, and phone number.  Letters may be edited for length and clarity. — Ed.

Posted March 29, 2007

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