Letters to the Editor (September)

Thanks to delegates

As the wife of a Missouri Synod pastor and the executive director of a domestic violence program in Virginia, I wish to commend the delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod for adopting Resolutions 6-06 and 6-03a, dealing with domestic violence and with not placing foster and adoptive children in morally ambiguous contexts, respectively.

Several years ago, I served on the Human Care Ministries task force addressing child abuse, and was a consultant for the task force on domestic violence.

Over the years, I discovered that there was a serious lack of information and training for pastors in the area of domestic violence.  As a result, I have designed and implemented a brief curriculum for clergy and church workers on domestic violence.  Together with my husband, Pastor Tom Becker, I have presented this training to local LCMS pastors, which appeared to be very well received.

May God continue to be with each and every delegate at this year’s convention as they continue to address the needs of the church and the needs of each of His people.

Sandra C. Becker
Chesapeake, Va.

Re: Resolution 8-10

At its recently concluded 2007 convention, our Synod adopted Resolution 8-10.  The resolution says that none of the overtures to this convention regarding certain opinions of the Commission on Constitutional Matters “expressed a substantive rationale arising from the Constitution, Bylaws, or resolutions of the Synod.”

For example, and for the record, overture 8-54 from the Missouri District noted that “The CCM ruling in effect changes the Synod Constitution by granting immunity from expulsion to those who do not comply with the conditions of membership if they have secured the permission of their ecclesiastical supervisors.”  Similarly, overture 8-51 from the Montana District indicated that one of the relevant CCM opinions “improperly amends Art. XIII of the Synod Constitution.”

Reader, what do you think? Pick up a 2007 Convention Workbook and thumb through the overtures on this subject, especially 8-50, 8-51, 8-54, and 8-55.  Is it truly correct that none of these express a substantive rationale that arises from the Synod’s Constitution, Bylaws, or resolutions?

Dr. Ken Schurb
Moberly, Mo.

Also joining as signers of this letters are John Bobzin and Rev. Lee Hagan of Concordia, Mo.; Rev. Gary Clayton, Cole Camp, Mo.; and James L. Weber, Jefferson City, Mo. — Ed.

Special convention

I found the headline for the article about the special convention on Page 2 of the August issue to be somewhat incorrect.  Although the substance of the article is accurate, “President, DPs get OK to call special convention” implies that they did not have this authority before and that the convention delegates approved the calling of a special convention.

As a convention delegate, I voted for the resolution, simply affirming my “willingness to serve,” should the district presidents deem it necessary.  I feel more like a serviceman willing to follow his leader than like a senator authorizing a project.

The difficult question — whether it is good stewardship to hold the special convention — has been left to the “DPs” to decide.

Rev. Charles R. Schulz
Ann Arbor, Mich.

Reporter apologizes to Rev. Schulz and any others who may have found the headline “somewhat incorrect.”  Condensing the gist of a convention action into a headline of relatively few words can be challenging. — Ed.

Please send letters via e-mail to REPORTER@lcms.org or by mail to REPORTER Letters, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7295.  Please include your name, postal address, and phone number.  Letters may be edited for length and clarity. — Ed.

Posted Sept. 4, 2007

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