LFL offers ‘life’ speakers

Lutherans For Life (LFL) maintains a “speakers bureau” that can provide experienced pro-life speakers for rallies, conventions, Bible studies, workshops, schools, or worship services.

Available speakers, including LFL Executive Director Dr. James I. Lamb, can address any number of life issues, including abortion, post-abortion stress, stem-cell research, cloning, medical ethics, the Terri Schiavo case, living wills and advance directives, euthanasia and assisted suicide, end-of-life issues, and how to talk to others about life issues.

“These speakers not only address a variety of life issues, but do so based on the Word of God,” said Lamb.

The mission of LFL, based in Nevada, Iowa, is “witnessing to the sanctity of human life, through education, based on the Word of God.”

For more information, or to schedule a speaker, contact LFL toll-free at (888) 364-LIFE (5433) or visit its Web site at www.lutheransforlife.org.

Posted Oct. 9, 2007

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