New ‘coffee with a purpose’ helps people in need

Congregations can now serve a new “coffee with a purpose” that will do more than please sippers between church services or at other events.  Café Sola also will help people in need worldwide in body and soul.

LCMS World Relief and Human Care and Concordia Publishing House have teamed up to introduce the new coffee to raise coffee toastfunds to care for the world’s most needy people.  Nearly 20 percent of the Café Sola purchase price will go directly to LCMS World Relief and Human Care projects that reach out to people suffering from famine, disease, poverty, and disasters, caring for both physical and spiritual needs in the name of Christ.

“We Lutherans look for opportunities to share Christ’s mercy with hurting people — and we love a good cup of coffee,” said Rev. Matthew Harrison, executive director of LCMS World Relief and Human Care.  “This coffee with a purpose is a new way our LCMS congregations can help our neighbors in need.”

The aromatic blend is produced by farmers who use environmentally friendly practices and is supplied by a St. Louis-based coffee company.  Café Sola Regular Blend is certified with the Rainforest Alliance, which ensures standards for rainforest conservation and fair treatment of workers.

The Café Sola name highlights the coffee’s spiritual and global fund-raising purpose. “Sola” means “alone” in Latin and was used in the great Reformation cry, “Grace alone!  Faith alone!  Scripture alone!  Christ alone!  Glory to God alone!”  “Café” loosely translates in several languages as “coffee” or a place where coffee is served.

Café Sola is geared for congregational use, during Bible studies, in church offices, and at fellowship events.  The coffee is sold in cartons of 12 eight-ounce bags for $52.99 a carton, in regular and decaffeinated varieties.  The possibility of offering individual packages of Café Sola for household use is being explored.

As the Synod’s mercy arm, LCMS World Relief and Human Care strengthens local Lutheran partners to respond to Christ’s love, working in 51 countries and serving people in need in the clear name of Christ and His Gospel.

As the Synod’s publishing arm, CPH works in partnership with LCMS agencies and congregations to develop, produce, market, and distribute products and services faithful to the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.

Café Sola can be ordered through CPH by calling (800) 325-3040 or online at

Posted Sept. 19, 2007

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