CPH opens satellite store at Ann Arbor

A new bookstore operated by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, was dedicated Sept. 4 at Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Mich.

It is the fourth CPH-run campus bookstore.  Others are located at Concordia University Chicago and at the Synod’s two seminaries in St. Louis and Fort Wayne.

In addition to serving students and faculty, the bookstores are open to local residents, who may order any CPH product — from books and gifts to Sunday school, vacation Bible school, and curriculum materials.

Larry Padgett, executive director of sales and marketing for CPH, said all of the publisher’s campus bookstores function as “satellite CPH stores,” offering “our most recent products so that customers can see resources firsthand and purchase them directly, as if shopping at the CPH store in St. Louis or online.”

The university’s Executive Vice President, Charles A. Winterstein, said, “We are always looking for ways to provide better services for our students.”  CPH, he said, “partnered with us with the intention of marketing the bookstore to all the Lutheran churches in the region.”

The publishing house “exists to strengthen the ministry” of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, acknowledged CPH President and CEO Bruce Kintz, “and providing access to premier Lutheran resources through our Concordia University System bookstores is one way we do that.”

For more information about the CPH-CUS partnership, contact Peter Frank, director of CPH Bookstore Operations, at (314) 268-1114.

Posted Sept. 12, 2008

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