CPH updates sex-ed series for kids

The fifth edition of the sex-education series for children, “Learning Abosex1.jpgut Sex,” is now available from Concordia Publishing House.

The series provides up-to-date and medically correct information, with age-appropriate language and illustrations. Originally released in 1982, the set is designed to help children develop a godly, biblical understanding of human sexuality, and assist parents in answering their children’s questions. It was last revised 10 years ago.

New this year, each level of “Learning About Sex” is now gender-specific, with separate books for boys and girls.  The new edition includes updated information and illustrations, and some areas have been expanded to reflect today’s world, which is dealing to a greater degree with issues such as pornography and date rape, according to a CPH spokesman.

Five books in the series come in separate editions for boys and girls.  They are:

  • Why Boys and Girls are Different (for ages 3-5) by Carol Greene (item no. 14-2134 for boys edition, 14-2140 for girls edition);
  • Where Do Babies Come From? (ages 6-8) by Ruth Hummel (item no. 14-2135 boys, 14-2141 girls);
  • How You are Changing (ages 8-11) by Jane Graver (item no. 14-2136 boys, 14-2142 girls);
  • Sex and the New You (ages 11-14) by Dr. Richard Bimler (item nosex2.jpg. 14-2137 boys, 14-2143 girls); and
  • Love, Sex, and God (ages 14 and up) by Rev. Bill Ameiss and Jane Graver (item no. 14-2138 boys, 14-2144 girls).

A parents guide, How to Talk Confidently with your Child about Sex (item no. 14-2139), also is available.

Books in the series may be purchased separately for $12.99 each, or as an 11-book set for $142.89 (item no. 14-2148).

For more information or to order, contact CPH at (800) 325-3040 or visit the Web site www.cph.org.  (Prices quoted do not include shipping and handling charges.)

Posted May 15, 2008

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