LHM's 'Woman to Woman' launches new episodes

“Woman to Woman,” Lutheran Hour Ministries’ (LHM) 30-minute radio program hosted by Phyllis Wallace, began airing new episodes May 4.

Reruns of the program — which addresses topics of interest to women — had been airing on radio stations nationwide since 2003, when production was stopped because of a lack of funding.  Studies showed that people were interested in new episodes of the program, so LHM raised the funds to resume production, according to a spokesman.

More than 260 stations are airing the new episodes, which recently tackled topics such as how to manage out-of-control kids, getting organized, and father-daughter relationships.

Programs set to air the weeks of June 22 and 29 will feature guest Dr. Richard Swenson, a physician-futurist, author, and educator whose work focuses on the future of the world system, western culture, faith, and healthcare.  In the two-part program, titled “Take a Load Off,” Swenson will discuss time as “God’s gift,” and will offer practical ways to restore emotional, physical, financial, and time reserves to busy lives.

“Woman to Woman” is designed for women “wherever they are in their faith walk,” and the program’s guests offer ideas listeners can apply to their own lives.

The new episodes “use a more direct spiritual approach for leading women to a better understanding of their need for Jesus Christ in their lives,” says Sandi Clement, LHM’s manager of media marketing and programming.  “Phyllis Wallace’s personal experience, as well as her background in counseling, helps to assure [listeners] they are not alone.”

To see a list of radio stations that carry “Woman to Woman,” visit the program’s newly designed Web site at www.womantowomanradio.com (click on “Where to Listen”).

You may also hear the program online, through podcasts, or on XM Satellite Radio Family Channel 170 (Saturdays at 1:30 EST).  The LCMS radio station, KFUO-AM, airs the program twice every Saturday — at 9:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m — and its programming is accessible via the Web at kfuo.org.

For more information about “Woman to Woman,” or to subscribe to its free monthly e-newsletter that offers information about upcoming guests and topics, visit the program’s Web site above.

Posted June 19, 2008

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