Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Baltimore, is hosting several one- to two-week “study tours” that enable U.S. Lutherans to travel to developing countries where LWR works, meet LWR’s regional staff and partners, and learn how they work together to find solutions to local problems.
LWR study tours focus on issues such as HIV/AIDS, food security, peace building, Fair Trade, and healthcare.
Upcoming study tours are scheduled for:
Oct. 10-25, 2008 — a “Thrivent Builds Worldwide” trip to India (five spaces left). Participants will take part on a four-day construction project and will visit LWR-supported projects. Cost is $3,880 from Washington, D.C. Deadline is Aug. 15.
Nov. 5-19, 2008, to Burkina Faso, Mali, and Benin, West Africa. Participants will visit LWR projects including shea butter production and a sesame growers cooperative. Cost is $4,890 from Washington, D.C. Deadline is Aug. 1.
Jan. 5-12, 2009, to Nicaragua. Participants will visit with coffee farmers and learn about Fair Trade.
Feb. 10-22, 2009, to Colombia, South America. Participants will learn about LWR peace-keeping projects.
March 1-15, 2009, to the Philippines. Participants will see firsthand how LWR support has empowered the community and led to successful agriculture projects.
Cost and itineraries for the study tours to Nicaragua, Colombia, and the Philippines have not yet been finalized.
For more information about any of the scheduled study tours, visit or contact Rebecca Lange-Thernes at (410) 230-2737 or To read about the first LWR Study Tour Reunion, click here.