October is 'Clergy Appreciation Month'

October is national “Clergy Appreciation Month” and Oct. 12 is suggested as “Clergy Appreciation Sunday.”
“This provides a wonderful opportunity for congregations and members to commit to pray for and encourage their pastor,” says Rev. David Muench, executive director of the LCMS Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support.
Muench urges members to “think creatively about what you can do to recognize the significant work of your pastor, and how you might honor him and his family. Share the idea of celebrating Clergy Appreciation Sunday — and Month — and challenge others in your congregation to join you in this opportunity for support and affirmation of these faithful servants of God.”
He says pastors “can’t help but be encouraged” by such affirmation.
“The typical pastor works long hours and is not a stranger to criticism,” Muench told Reporter.  “As a result, he may be one of the loneliest people in the church. Feelings of disappointment, discouragement, and defeat can begin to plague even the best pastors.
“After all,” he said, “the apostle’s encouragement to ‘serve one another in love’ (Gal. 5:13) also applies to the relationship we have with our pastor.”

In honor of the special Sunday and month, Concordia Publishing House is offering free shipping for orders of $70 or more from its Inspire gift catalog placed by Oct. 3.

For more information, or to order, visit the Web site www.cph.org or call (800) 325-3040.

Posted Sept. 12, 2008

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