'Reporter' still gets letters

Although there is no “Letters to the Editor” column in this month’s Reporter, don’t assume it’s because we didn’t receive any letters in the past month.  That hardly ever is the case.

If you’ve written a letter that doesn’t appear in print, please remember that may be due to any one of a number of factors, including lack of space in a particular issue.

Sometimes, letters are more appropriately handled via one-on-one communication than through print. Other letters may address topics that do not have broad enough readership appeal to warrant printing.

Still other letters may be based on or contain incorrect information — in those cases, our staff attempts to convey the correct information back to writers or asks experts to communicate directly with writers.

And there are times when the staff decides to lay aside letters that do not “put the best construction on everything,” to quote Martin Luther.

Keep in mind that the best letters — those most likely to make it into print — remain on topic and communicate clearly via the fewest number of words possible.

As the editor’s note states at the end of the column in months when there are printed letters:

“Please send letters via e-mail to reporter@lcms.org or by mail to Reporter Letters, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7295. Please include your name, postal address, and phone number. Letters may be edited for length and clarity.”

Bottom line: Please keep your letters coming to Reporter. The staff does care about what readers express through letters.

And, as an addendum: Blessed Advent and Christmas to you and yours from the Reporter staff.

Joe Isenhower Jr.
Managing Editor

Posted Nov. 21, 2008

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