Schubert accepts call, will leave DCS position

Rev. Jeffery Schubert is leaving the executive director post of the LCMS Board for District and Congregational Services (DCS) after accepting the call to become executive pastor of Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School, Hartland, Wis.
Schubert told Reporter that he plans to leave the International Center offices in mid-February, in order to begin his ministry with the congregation by March 1.
In late November, the DCS board named William Cochran, DCS director of School Ministry, as interim executive director and began the process that leads to calling Schubert’s successor.
Schubert has been on the DCS staff since 1998, first as director of Family Ministry, and then as executive director since February 2006. Previously, he was director of Youth and Family Ministry for the LCMS South Wisconsin District (1989-98), after serving as pastor of congregations in Wisconsin and Nebraska.
He is a 1981 graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
He and his wife, Judith (a registered nurse), have two grown children.
“This was a very difficult personal decision for me, especially in light of some very exciting plans that the Board for District and Congregational Services has recently drafted in its new strategic plan encompassing the next three years,” Schubert told Reporter. “However, as any pastor can attest, the tug of the Lord in a divine call back into the parish ministry with God’s people is a very unmistakable thing.
Schubert added that after serving nearly 10 years at the South Wisconsin District office in Milwaukee and another 10 years at the Synod’s International Center, “my heart told me that for the remainder of my ministry, I would find the greatest fulfillment working directly in the lives of people with Word and Sacraments.”
“I will miss my colleagues across the Synod very much,” he added, but look forward to supporting our synodical mission and vision from my new post as executive pastor at Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church and School in Hartland, Wisconsin.  My wife, Judy, and I thank everyone for their prayers, support and encouragement during this time of prayer and deliberation.”
Divine Redeemer has more than 2,600 baptized members, with average weekend worship attendance exceeding 800.  Its school enrolls 300 students through eighth grade. Hartland is about 20 miles west of Milwaukee.

Posted Dec. 4, 2008


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