Synod, partners can reach 100 million goal, says Roegner

With only nine years left until the Reformation Day 2017 deadline — and the Ablaze! counter now at 9 million — is it possible for The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and its partners worldwide to share the Gospel with 100 million non-Christians?

“Absolutely,” says Dr. Robert Roegner, executive director of LCMS World Mission.  “Can I predict with certainty what number we will reach?  No, because where we finally finish depends on the blessing of God.”

After four years of counting Ablaze! faith-sharing events, “the numbers are going up at a faster rate than in the beginning,” Roegner notes — from 1.5 million in 2005, to 3 million in 2006, to 5.6 million in 2007, and now, in 2008, to 9 million.

Ablaze! is a movement in the LCMS and among its partners around the world, and movements gather steam,” he told Reporter.

Even if the goal isn’t reached, the Ablaze! initiative won’t have been in vain, he said.

“No matter what number of reported faith-sharing events we reach in October 2017, the mission of God will have been advanced,” Roegner said.  “And no matter the final number, I know that the LCMS and our partners around the world will be more missional churches.

“We will have been changed for the better.”

Posted Oct. 2, 2008

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