Items wanted, available (September)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase.  Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only.


Wall-mount unit track display with at least 30 slots to display the What About series.  Slots should measure 3-1/4 inches wide and 9-1/2 inches tall.  Lutheran Church of St. Paul, Graham, Wash.;



The Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel by Dr. C.F.W. Walther; Moving Frontiers, edited by Carl S. Meyer; Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible by Robert Young; A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Arndt & Gingrich.  All are in like-new condition.  Rev. Richard Rist, Eagle River, Alaska, 907-694-3498,

Church pews, eight total, newly refinished, medium color, each seats seven adults comfortably, for LCMS congregation.  Deborah Curry, 573-213-9442, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Bowling Green, Mo.

Yamaha console organ to a newly developing mission church. Sharon Scott,

Zip-up choir robes, gold, flared sleeves, white and gold V-neck stoles, 30-40 total, approximately 30 years old in very good condition. Denise Wall,

Lutheran Worship, copyright 1982, blue, 510 total, plus six large print in excellent condition; The Lutheran Hymnal, copyright 1941, red and blue, 102 total; Praise Chorus Books, Maranatha! Music, red, copyright 1993 (words-only edition), 316 total.  Jack Mihr,, 714-637-2640.

Posted Aug. 27, 2009

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