Kieschnick: LCMS will not endorse health care that funds abortion

In a statement released Aug. 14, Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod President Gerald B. Kieschnick acknowledges that the health-care reform issue is “complicated and still evolving,” but stresses that the Synod “would not endorse any component of a plan that includes funding for abortion.”

“As pro-life advocates,” Kieschnick says, “we would want to prohibit any government money from being used, even indirectly, for insurance that covers abortion.”

Regardless of the outcome of the health-care debate — now “on the table” until lawmakers return to the capital next month — “God’s Word will continue to guide us as we offer Christian care and compassion to our neighbors in time of need,” he says.

Kieschnick encourages LCMS congregation members “to be attuned to the debate and the process” and to “pray for our elected leaders and for all those in authority.”

Says Kieschnick: “We have been called to be disciples of Christ and witnesses for Christ.  Searching for an effective means of ministering to the sick and vulnerable is one way to respond to that calling.  May the Lord grant us, our leaders, and our nation wisdom in this process.”

To read the statement in its entirety, click here.

Posted Aug. 18, 2009

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