Synod addresses three 'critical targets'

LCMS boards, commissions, and corporate entities will focus on three “critical targets” during the 15 months leading up to the 2010 Synod convention.

The units are being asked to prioritize their human and fiscal resources to address the critical targets of revitalizing congregations; planting new mission congregations; and enhancing the focus on stewardship of time, talent, and treasure.

The targets were developed by the Senior Leadership Forum, which includes executive directors and chairpersons of LCMS boards, commissions, departments, and synod-wide entities, plus the Council of Presidents and the LCMS Board of Directors.

“These targets are intended to put legs on the vision of ‘One Mission, One Message, One People,’ between now and the next convention,” said Rev. Jon Braunersreuther, senior assistant to LCMS President Gerald Kieschnick. “The targets help us identify where to focus our resources in order to move that vision forward.”

Representatives of the boards, commissions, and synodwide entities met April 14-15 to review unit reports and ways to address the targets across board and department lines. Attending the session were executive directors, chairpersons, and the president’s representatives to boards and commissions and synodwide entities, plus Synod officers.

Work teams, comprised of some national staff members, are exploring cooperative work to meet the targets. Among items reported by the work teams to date:

  • Planting new congregations — 321 congregations were planted in the past six years; 157 congregations have agreed to plant two to four congregations each; and the mission planting doctrine and experiences need to be shared so others benefit.
  • Revitalizing congregations — through the Transforming Churches Network that was formed to reach Ablaze! goals, 265 congregations are at some point in the two-year process; 24 districts are part of the network; 16 consultants and 54 coaches have been trained; and another 156 consultants are in training.
  • Stewardship — plans are in process to guide all boards, commissions, entities, and service units — as well as their staff and board members — in seeing themselves as corporate and individual stewards.
  • “The work teams are bringing together the best thinkers and expertise from corporate Synod and our corporate entities to add value in specific areas,” Braunersreuther said. As an example, he pointed to the mission-planting team, which brings together representatives with expertise in missions, worship, church loans, pastoral education, Black ministry, and fund development.

    Posted May 5, 2009


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