Convention delegates receive 'Reporter'

Beginning with the March 2010 edition, all delegates to the 2010 Synod convention are receiving the printed and mailed Reporter, the official monthly newspaper of the LCMS. 

Clergy delegates and other Synod-rostered workers, as well as some congregational officers, are already on Reporter‘s mail lists.  But now, about 800 lay delegates to the convention who were not previously getting the newspaper by mail have been added to the lists.

Distribution of the printed Reporter to delegates is to help them stay abreast of convention-related news and other information of interest in the Synod, both as they prepare for the convention and as they report on the convention in the circuits they represent.

All 2010 voting lay delegates will continue to receive the newspaper “gratis,” from now through the edition that reports on the major actions of the next Synod convention after this year’s.  That year depends on possible 2010 convention action that could change the convention cycles.  The issue reporting on the 2010 convention will be the August Reporter.

Advisory and alternate lay delegates not already getting Reporter will receive gratis mailed copies from now through the August 2010 edition, which also will be the final edition received by 2007 lay delegates who are not on other Reporter mail lists. 

Those “other” lists primarily include congregations’ chairmen and chairmen of their boards of elders, as well as paid subscribers to Reporter.

Posted Mar. 3, 2010