LWML offers witnessing resources

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League has produced several resources that are designed to “help women become more comfortable with sharing the hope they have because of Jesus Christ.”

Those resources include:

* “Faith Talk” ($20, plus shipping, item no. 14995), a DVD-based, interactive workshop that features an on-screen facilitator and witnessing stories, and encourages role-playing and discussion.

“Faith Talk” includes a DVD and a new Leaders Guide, which is available free in PDF format on the LWML website.

* “Faith Talk” Replacement Cards ($1.50, item no. 14995R-25), a set of 25 of the Bible-verse cards used in the DVD resource.  Also available is a set of 50 cards ($2, item no. 14995R-50).
* “Faith Talk Tips,” which offer brief suggestions designed to encourage faith-sharing in everyday life.  Compiled by the LWML’s Gospel Outreach Committee, “Faith Talk Tips” also are available free on the LWML website.

Here’s an example of one such tip:

Do you have a friend who is worried or anxious?  Listen.  Then reply, “When I start to worry about something, I remember that often worry is accepting responsibility God never intended me to have.”  Offer to pray with your friend and give the concern back to God (Matt. 6:25-27, 33-34).

“The goal of ‘Faith Talk’ is that each woman will be compelled to share the Gospel, pray for and recognize opportunities to do so, and then confidently live and speak her faith,” says Marilyn McClure, vice-president of Gospel Outreach with the LWML.

To order “Faith Talk” call the LWML’s St. Louis office at 800-252-LWML (5965) or visit the LWML website at www.lwml.org (click on “Missions,” then “Sharing the Gospel”).
Posted Dec. 30, 2010

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