Registration open for Black Ministry Convocation

Registration is now open for the 2010 Black Ministry Family Convocation, to be held July 8-11 at the JW Marriott Hotel in Houston under the theme “Ablaze!, Emblack-convo.gifpowered and Determined!,” from Phil. 3:13b-14.

The convocation, held every other year, brings together Black-ministry leaders and members of Black-ministry congregations to hear presentations, attend workshops, adopt resolutions, share concerns and ideas, and take part in worship and fellowship activities.

Keynote speaker will be Dr. John Nunes, president and CEO of Lutheran World Relief, Baltimore.

The main focus of this year’s gathering is to “rally and prepare congregations in Black ministry to strengthen and expand their Gospel outreach, no matter what decisions are made at the LCMS convention that follows our convocation,” said Nikki L. Rochester, director of publicity.

Three workshops will be offered during the four-day convocation:

  • “More than Money Matters,” led by Melissa Knippa, senior financial consultant for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
  • “Mercy Matters,” by Deaconess Grace Rao, district mercy coordinator with LCMS World Relief and Human Care.
  • “How to Have Innovative VBS with No Finances,” by Ida Odom, kindergarten teacher at River Roads Lutheran School in St. Louis.

The convocation also will include business sessions and five worship services.

Convocation participants will travel together to the George R. Brown Convention Center July 10 to attend the opening service of the Synod’s 64th convention.  Transportation is provided with paid registration.

Children and teens may attend daily worship services but also will have their own activities.  Youth ages 13 and older, including young adults, are invited to take part in a “servant event,” cleaning and repairing an inner-city church, and are asked to bring gift cards for stores such as Target, Wal-Mart, and K-Mart that will be donated to low-income Houston residents.

Registration is $140 for adults and $100 for children and youth (ages 5 to 17) by June 7, or $175 for adults and $125 for children and youth after that date.

A banquet will be held during the convocation to honor professional church workers with 50 or more years of service.  The banquet fee is $40.

Prior to the convocation’s opening on July 8, the Black Clergy Caucus and District Unit Leaders also will meet.

Lodging is available at the JW Marriott Hotel for $99, plus tax, per night.  To make a reservation, call the hotel at 800-228-9290 or 713-961-1500 and ask for the “LCMS Black Ministry Family Convocation” rate.

For more information or to register, visit or call 314-996-1751.

Posted April 1, 2010

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