'Chapel Talks' now available for order

The 2011-12 edition of Chapel Talks for Lutheran Schools is now available for order through LCMS School Ministry.

That volume is titled “Equipped to Serve,” based on 2 Tim. 3:16-17, which readschapel-talks.gif, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching … that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”

Chapel Talks, written by experienced Lutheran educators and pastors, offers guidance in leading Christ-centered and life-related chapel services throughout the school year.

The weekly devotions include hymn/song suggestions, visual ideas, a message outline and closing prayer. Scripture readings follow the lectionary for the Sunday preceding chapel.

Orders for the book ($20) or the downloadable PDF format ($15) may be placed through the LCMS Online Store at http://store.lcms.org. A limited number of the printed books is available.

For more information, contact Kathy Fangmann at 800-248-1930, ext. 1285, or kathy.fangmann@lcms.org.

Posted July 2, 2011

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