Concordia Chicago to host careers weekend for students

High school sophomores, juniors and seniors considering church work vocations or interested in learning more about church professions are invited to attend the annual “Careers for Christ” weekend at Concordia University Chicago (CUC), River Forest, Ill.cuc-careers.gif
“Renewed Strength” is the theme for the 2011 weekend coordinated and led by CUC students and staff. The event begins Nov. 4 at 6 p.m. and concludes Nov. 6 after worship and brunch on the university’s campus, located at 7400 Augusta St. in River Forest.
Students will take part in career sessions, devotions, an outing to Chicago and other activities during the weekend.
Concordia University Chicago offers a variety of undergraduate degree programs for students considering church work as their profession, including deaconess, director of Christian education, director of parish music, Lutheran teacher education and pre-seminary studies.
The registration fee of $70 includes housing, meals, activities, transportation during the event, materials and a T-shirt. Deadline for registrations is Nov. 1.
To register, visit For more information, contact John Korntheuer at or (708) 209-3472.

Posted Oct. 25, 2011


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