Harrison offers new year, Epiphany blessing in video

LCMS President Rev. Matthew C. Harrison has released a new video in which he extends new year and Epiphany blessings and offers a message of hope for the future of the church and the country.

“I don’t know what this year is going to bring,” Harrison says in the video. “We have many challenges in the church and I know you have many challenges in your congregations. And this crazy world about us is enough to make us weep day by day. I know one thing about the church. I know one thing for certain. Jesus.”

The video can be found on the LCMS leadership’s blog, “Witness, Mercy, Life Together.” 

Epiphany is from a Greek word, meaning to “reveal” or “make manifest.” The season of Epiphany is the time in which the church focuses on the revelation of who Jesus is: both true God and true man. On the Festival of Epiphany, Jan. 6, the church often hears the reading of the visit of the wise men, which is found in Matt. 2:1-12. In that event, these foreigners bowed down in acknowledgement that the infant was indeed the Christ, the Son of God.

Posted Jan. 6, 2011


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