LCEF announces art, architecture award

Applications are being accepted for entry in the 2011 Fifth Triennial Art and Architecture Award program sponsored by the Architectural Advisory Committee of Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF).

The award program recognizes exceptional religious art and architectural achievement in the Synod and is open to all artists, architects, churches, designers, landscape artists or collaborative design teams that have worked on buildings or art for buildings with LCMS congregations, schools and other Synod-related entities.  Such projects must have been completed since Jan. 1, 2008.

Entry applications (along with a $75 entry fee) must be received by July 1, with an entry-kit submission deadline set for Aug. 15.

Award applications and a brochure with more information about the award program are available at the LCEF committee’s Web page,

As explained in the brochure, entries will be accepted in the following five categories: LCMS facilities — small (less than $1.5 million in construction costs), LCMS facilities — large (construction costs of $1.5 million or more), Laborers for Christ (for a project involving a Laborers team or teams), LCMS ecclesiastical art and LCMS art as community builder (“where ecclesiastical art or architecture was used to build community in an innovative, unique way”).

The Architectural Advisory Committee will present award-recognition plaques in those categories during the 2011 LCEF Fall Leadership Conference, Nov. 18-20 in Raleigh, N.C.  Winners will be notified by Sept. 15.
LCEF’s Architectural Advisory Committee brings together Lutheran architects and liturgical advisors who offer facility-planning advice. For more information about the committee’s work, call 800-843-5233 or visit its Web page.

Posted March 9, 2011

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