'PRAY 2011' set for Oct. 13-14

“PRAY 2011,” the latest LCMS gathering to focus solely on prayer, is planned for Oct. 13-14 at the Crowne Plaza Airport Hotel in St. Louis.

Like similar events in 2009 and 2010, the event is open to those who consider themselves “intercessors,” or “prayer warriors,” and anyone else who enjopray.gifys praying, according to organizers Rev. Dr. Victor Belton of Decatur, Ga., and Rev. Cliff Bira of Flushing, Mich.

PRAY 2011 is “an initiative to encourage interested members of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod to come together for a time of prayer and supplication to seek the face of our God and Father on behalf of our world, our Synod, our nation, our congregations, church workers and Christians throughout the world,” according to a news release about the event.

Co-organizer Bira said he and Belton “are prayerful that our gracious God will raise up intercessors with the passion of Daniel as we live our life together, the mind of St. Paul as we go forward in witness and the heart of St. John as we serve one another with mercy and grace.

“This promises to be the best gathering yet and we hope that you will consider attending.”

PRAY 2011 begins Oct. 13 at 2 p.m. and ends the next day at 3 p.m.

Registration is $69, which includes meals and materials, and lodging at the Crowne Plaza is $69 per night for single or double occupancy.  To reserve a room, call the hotel at 314-291-6700 and mention the group code “PRA.”  A complimentary shuttle is available between the hotel and the St. Louis airport.

Those who cannot attend PRAY 2011 are encouraged to “pray with us during those days” — wherever they are — “for the grace and blessing of God to rest, rule and abide in the hearts and minds of His people,” Bira said.

To register online, click here. The deadline for registrations is Sept. 30.

You can also find PRAY2011 on Facebook (click here). 

For more information, call Belton at 404-289-1474 or send an email to vjbelton@bellsouth.net.

Posted Sept. 1, 2011

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