Survey queries rostered workers on indebtedness

The Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) has launched an in-depth study on indebtedness of LCMS church workers — especially how indebtedness affects their lives and if they are aware of LCMS-sponsored money-management programs and services.

For that study, Behavior Research Center of Phoenix is conducting a telephone survey through April of 600 randomly selected LCMS rostered church workers.  Behavior Research Center conducted a similar survey for LCEF and the Synod in 2006.

“The input and ideas provided through this survey will be valuable to current and future programs at LCEF and the LCMS,” said Rich Robertson, president and CEO of LCEF. “By using this outside firm, all responses will remain confidential and anonymous. Church workers have been responsive to past surveys and we’re hoping for the same result this year.  It is an important tool to address concerns and direct the necessary resources.

“Our ministry is to be a servant partner to the LCMS and its members,” Robertson said. “That includes a vital component: our rostered church workers. We want to better serve them and find ways to help address and possibly relieve some of the financial worries that weigh on them and ultimately impact their ministries and family life.”

Those who have questions about the survey or want to verify a request may contact Bev Gregory, LCEF assistant vice president in charge of marketing research, via e-mail at, or call 800-854-4004, ext. 6333.

Posted April 7, 2011

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