What's in the Office of National Mission?

The Witness, Mercy, Life Together supplement to the October Reporter included a profile of the Office of National Mission (ONM) by the Rev. Bart Day, its executive director. While that supplement is available online (click here), here is a brief summary of the article.
Some ONM departments were part of the former District and Congregational Services; others have been absorbed from LCMS World Relief and Human Care and LCMS World Mission:

  • Recognized Service Organizations,
  • Stewardship,
  • Schools,
  • Youth,
  • Worship, and
  • Church and Community Engagement.

The word “engagement” is an important part of this last department, Day says.
The Office of National Mission “serves a critical role in supporting our work at home,” Day said in his profile. “We are absolutely committed to remaining relevant and supportive of the needs of the Church.”

Posted Oct. 20, 2011


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