LCMS President sends Advent blessings

Statements & Letters

Video message released in preparation for Christmas

ST. LOUIS, December 4, 2012—The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison sends Advent blessings to the church in a video message.

Advent is the season of preparation for Christmas that begins Sunday, Dec. 2, this year and ends on Christmas Eve.

“Jesus promises in Advent to come to us in His means of grace,” Harrison says in the 1-minute video available on the LCMS website. “He came to Bethlehem and He will come again.

“No matter what the world throws at us, no matter how challenging for us to be Christians in this day and age, have no fear, little flock,” Harrison says. “Have no fear, little flock, for the Father has chosen to give you His kingdom.”

Find the video at

LCMS congregations and schools are encouraged to watch and share the video.

About The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
The 2.3 million-member Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is a mission-oriented, Bible-based, confessional Christian denomination headquartered in St. Louis. Through acts of witness and mercy, the church carries out its mission worldwide to make known the love of Jesus Christ. Learn more at


Vicki Biggs
Director, Integrated Communications
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
314-996-1236 | 314-556-3829 (mobile)