LFL national conference planned for Aug. 3-4 in Chicago

Under the theme “Equipping the Saints For Life” (based on Eph. 4:11-12), Lutherans For Life (LFL) will hold its 2012 national conference Aug. 3-4 in Chicago.

Registration is open now at the LFL website at www.lutheransforlife.org. The event is open to all.

The Rev. Dr. James Lamb, LFL executive director, will give a pre-conference luncheon presentation to pastors and their wives on Aug. 3. That presentation will focus on how pastors can keep “life issues” in front of their congregations.

Other pre-conference events include a prayer vigil at a Planned Parenthood site, a visit to a local CareNet pregnancy center and leadership training for Renewal For Life congregations, life advocates and life teams.

The conference will open with a 5 p.m. worship service, followed by a banquet. Keynote speaker at the banquet will be the Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus, speaker emeritus of “The Lutheran Hour” radio program.

Other speakers and workshop leaders include Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life; Dr. David Reardon, director of the Elliott Institute; Jill Stanek, Illinois columnist and blogger; “JT” Eschbach of the Pro-Life Action League, Chicago; Carl Schroeder, attorney; Barb Kinast, registered nurse; and the Rev. Douglas Merkey, president of Churches For Life, St. Louis.

Workshop topics focus on the conference theme and include “Equipping a Post-Abortion Society,” “Equipping to Take a Stand,” “Equip Yourself for Effective Sidewalk Counseling,” “Equipping for the End of Life,” “Equipping with Renewal For Life” and “Equipping the Church.”

A special Saturday-only youth track for junior-high through college students is designed to help attendees use scientific evidence when speaking out against abortion. The discussion will be led by the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Gibbs, professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and his wife, Renee, who serves on the LFL Board of Directors. The $20 fee includes lunch, a manual and admission to the afternoon conference workshops.

Activities and an education program for children from age 6 to sixth grade will be available, as well as day care for children ages 5 and younger.

Attendees are encouraged to bring layette items small enough to be mailed to clients of DuPage County CareNet.

To raise funds for the national conference, participants may sponsor a “witness” message in the conference book — June 30 is the deadline for submitting the sponsorships. More information is available on the LFL website.

Individual registration for the entire conference is $125 before May 15 and $150 after that date. Registrations also are available for partial attendance. Student registration is $50 for both days of the conference.

A daily conference rate of $89 per room is available for attendees who make reservations by July 11 with the Westin Chicago Northwest Hotel (www.westinchicagonorthwest.com or 800-937-8461).

Posted April 11, 2012

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