Harrison to hold Oct. 23 Twitter chat

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison will hold his first tweet chat later this month. Pastors, church workers and congregation members are encouraged to participate in the discussion.



Harrison will share his priorities for the next triennium and discuss other issues facing the church during the live conversation, set for 11 a.m.-noon Central Time Wednesday, Oct. 23.


Twitter users are encouraged to sign into their accounts and tweet their questions using the hashtag #LCMSPresident.


Those interested also can follow the discussion or participate by visiting twubs.com/LCMSPresident.


Individuals who do not have Twitter accounts can send their questions to the LCMS Church Information Center at infocenter@lcms.org with the subject line “President’s tweet chat” by Oct. 22.


“Technology allows the leadership to hear from the people of the church,” Harrison said. “That’s a very good thing.”


A follow-up article after the Twitter conversation will appear on Reporter Online and the conversation will be posted on LCMS.org.