Sánchez asks delegates, ‘Who are you wearing?’

By Katie Schuermann

ST. LOUIS (July 21, 2013) — “In big, red-carpet events, the rich and famous are often asked, ‘So, who are you wearing?’” The Rev. Dr. Leopoldo Sánchez, associate professor of Systematic Theology and director of the Center for Hispanic Studies at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, preached on Gal. 3:24-4:7 during today’s Midday Prayer service. “Who we are is entirely decided by who we wear. So, who are you wearing today?”

The Rev. Dr. Leopoldo Sánchez, associate professor of Systematic Theology and director of the Center for Hispanic Studies at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, preaches a July 21 Midday Prayer sermon for the 65th Regular Convention of the Synod. (LCMS Communications/Michael Schuermann)

Sanchez reminded the delegates that they, the baptized, are wearing Christ. Their robes of righteousness and holiness were designed by Christ Himself and given to them at the font.

“Today,” he said, “the waters of Baptism call us to look at each other through different eyes — the eyes of the Holy Spirit — even when we disagree with each other, so that we can see the robe of Baptism on each other…It is in our Baptism that we truly learn anew who we are before God and before one another, so let our Baptism be the daily garment we wear all the time as we deal with each other in the days, months and even years ahead. God grant it for Jesus’ sake and for the life of our beloved Synod.”

The Rev. William C. Weedon, director of worship for the Synod and chaplain for the LCMS International Center, was liturgist, and Cantor Phillip Magness of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Broken Arrow, Okla., served as organist. The Kantorei from Hope Lutheran Church, St. Louis, a 13-member youth choir directed by the Rev. Stephen Rosebrock, offered sacred song.

The 65th Regular Convention of the LCMS is meeting July 20-25 at the America’s Center Convention Complex under the theme “Baptized for This Moment.” Among convention participants are 1,191 clergy and lay voting delegates.