Resources ready for 2015 ‘Lutheran Schools Week’

Free materials to help LCMS schools celebrate “National Lutheran Schools Week” Jan. 25-31, 2015, are now available online.

schools-week-INThe theme for 2015 is “Mercy Forever — Standing in Christ, serving others,” based on Mark 10:45: “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

“The theme … brings a strong Lutheran identity to National Lutheran Schools Week,” the Rev. Robert Riggert wrote in the 2015 resource manual. Riggert is a former Lutheran school teacher, principal and parish pastor and author of the manual.

“ ‘Standing in Christ,’ Lutheran schools become God’s means of sharing and showing His grace to fellow members of the school and church family, to the community and into the world. Lutheran schools are ‘serving others’ in Jesus’ name.”

Resources for the week include a poster, a bulletin insert, a proclamation from LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and the resource manual. The manual contains an order of worship for a chapel service, notes for a chapel talk, daily student and faculty devotions, and ideas to spur students to a deeper understanding of serving others.

“National Lutheran Schools Week provides our church and school communities with the opportunity to thank God for the blessings of Lutheran schools,” said Terry Schmidt, director of LCMS School Ministry. “During the week, schools from around our country celebrate teachers who faithfully serve and students who learn in Jesus’ name.”

The 2015 National Lutheran Schools Week resources are available free of charge through the LCMS website.

Posted Nov. 29, 2014