In the January ‘Lutheran Witness’

In the January Lutheran Witness, readers can learn how Christians are “Free to be Faithful” with regard to key social and religious issues today, specifically those of marriage, life and religious liberty.

in-witness-INIn “Talking Marriage,” the Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer articulates how to make the case for one-man/one-woman marriage and why it is good for children and for civilization, while lawyer Mark Stern explains how to respond to increasing intrusions by the government in the realm of the Church in “Challenges at the Church Door.”

College students can learn about confessing the faith on secular campuses in the Rev. Jonathon Bakker’s “College Is Tough,” and LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison’s “Genius and Courage” explains what James Madison had to say about the Lutheran understanding of church and state, which the Rev. Chris Thoma explains in “Two Kingdoms.”

Readers can also learn more about the Synod’s “Free to be Faithful” campaign, which serves to educate and raise awareness about the topics of marriage, life and religious liberty, particularly as they are addressed in the public square.

Visit to learn more and for free downloadable religious liberty-related infographics, social media banners and a three-week Bible study.

Posted Dec. 30, 2014