LCMS joins ‘Giving Tuesday’ effort



The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is participating in Giving Tuesday, an online effort to encourage people around the world to make a difference through charitable giving on a single day, Dec. 2.

The LCMS’ “Give Graciously. Give Globally” effort is intended to strengthen the church’s Global Mission Fund. Gifts are immediately directed where they are needed most — nationally and internationally — to carry out Witness, Mercy, Life Together ministry.

Giving Tuesday follows on the heels of Cyber Monday, Small Business Saturday and Black Friday — annual promotional events that profit the retail industry and kick off the holiday shopping frenzy. In an about-face of this intense consumerism, Giving Tuesday was conceived as a day for amplifying small acts of kindness through online charitable giving in an effort to change the world for the better.

The Synod’s Global Mission Fund works to efficiently and effectively bring the Gospel to people around the world, in our country and to those in our own backyards as LCMS mission teams vigorously make known the love of Jesus in word (witness) and deed (mercy) on your behalf. Contributions have an impact wherever the need is the greatest at the time the gift is made.

Will you help?

Visit to learn more and get resources to share with your congregation, co-workers, family and friends and go to to make a gift.