Lutheran students take bus to March for Life

From left, Deaconess Shaina Mitchell, Anna Wurdeman and Jason Hufford of the LCMS U Lutheran Student Fellowship at Ball State University tour Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va., Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014. Tomorrow the group, which arrived by bus with a larger group from Ball State Students for Life in Muncie, Ind., will participate in the 2014 March for Life in Washington, D.C.

MUNCIE, Ind. — March for Life bound!

More than 90 students from Ball State University’s Students for Life, six students from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., and a small group of students from LCMS U at Ball State boarded a pair of buses Monday, Jan. 20, 2014, in Muncie, Ind., for a more than 500-mile journey to the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, Jan. 22.

Also joining the group was a small group of students from the Lutheran Student Fellowship, led by Deaconess Shaina Mitchell.

LCMS photographer Erik M. Lunsford traveled with the group to chronicle their trek, which included several sightseeing stops Tuesday. The group is scheduled to return to Muncie on Thursday.

The students are joining many other Lutherans and others who are standing up for life at the march, which protests the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.

A 9 a.m. EST Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Divine Service of Worship will begin the day’s events Wednesday at Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Va. A pre-march rally begins at noon EST on the National Mall. The march is expected to conclude about 3 p.m. at the U.S. Supreme Court building.

The weather forecast for the March for Life calls for a snowy, chilly day. About eight inches of snow is expected, with highs near 20.

LCMS Lutherans also are invited to participate in the Walk for Life West Coast on Saturday, Jan. 25, in San Francisco.

The LCMS will provide live coverage of the Washington, D.C., event at, on Facebook at, on Twitter at and on Instagram at #thelcms. Keep up with Twitter coverage by using the hashtag, #LCMSMFL.