
Disability Task Force updating resources

Comments (2)
  1. Thank you for becoming a resource for people with disabilities!
    A little about myself:
    My husband & I are members of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, LCMS, Chadron, NE.
    I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1986. We have owned KCSR/KBPY Radio in Chadron since 1991.
    Pastor Peter Bertram and the members of Our Savior’s are incredibly supportive of me, and others with physical and mental challenges. They could give lessons in how to make people with disabilities feel welcome. They are truly God’s love in action.
    Area of greatest need, as I see it: All churches should have an ADA-compliant restroom. Churches built after 1960 seem to have accessible entry ways, and seating for people in wheelchairs can be provided fairly easily by removing a pew. Working things out with a restroom is costly.
    I will be happy to co-operate with surveys, etc.
    Kathi Brown

  2. Rev. Bob McCanless says:

    Be SURE to include my wife on this task force – we have four (4) children with Autism, but SHE’S the one who understands how they work!

    Rev. Bob McCanless
    Concordia Lutheran Church