In August’s ‘Lutheran Witness’

Young. Single. Father. Employed. Male. Married. College student. Mom. Old. Child. Female.

in-lw-INRegardless of the nouns and adjectives, those are traits of the people who make up the one, holy, Christian and apostolic Church. The August edition of The Lutheran Witness reminds LCMS members that they are part of that timeless, faithful body of Christ.

In this issue, readers will learn what makes the Church the Church, what young adults need from their congregations, why the Divine Service unites people, what worries and fears wiser members have, why dads’ involvement is essential when it comes to kids’ church attendance and how best to care for moms and singles.

Readers also will notice that the magazine is sporting a refreshed design, making this month a prime opportunity to share a copy of The Lutheran Witness with others who may not be reading it. More articles can be found at, and Facebook users can find the magazine at

Posted Aug. 3, 2015