New ‘Journal’ discusses Christ’s mercy in disasters

“The mercy that we proclaim and confess is also demonstrated as God uses us as ‘masks’ from behind which He works to deliver mercy to those who suffer,” explains the Rev. John T. Pless in the newly released February 2015 Journal of Lutheran Mission.

journal-INThe issue focuses on the topic of mercy. Most of the papers found in the latest edition were presented at the LCMS International Disaster Conference held at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., in September.

The conference provided a forum for international Lutheran church leaders to consider both the theology of mercy and the practical implications for implementing it in their churches. The February Journal is an extension of that discussion, helping missionaries and clergy “consider the role of mercy and human compassion in the mission of the Church,” noted the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, in its opening letter.

The February issue can be downloaded free here, and interested individuals can join the conversation on these topics by liking Journal of Lutheran Mission on Facebook.

Posted Feb. 20, 2015