Official Notice: LCMS salary information (October 2015)

The Synod’s policy of full financial disclosure provides for making available to members of the Synod (congregations, pastors, teachers and others on the roster), on written request, the salary grid scales of all Synod and district officials, staff and faculty members of CUS, and International Center staff.

The reported salaries are as of the date of publication. Officers and staff are responsible for providing their own housing. In addition to salaries, the Synod pays 100 percent of the Concordia Plan Services premium for the employee and provides a housing differential equal to 5 percent of salary for lay employees in classes SM-9. The president receives an allowance for additional expenses.

Base Salaries at Point of Publication (Actual)

President: $210,156

First Vice-President: $177,498

Secretary: $184,338

Chief Administrative Officer: $184,117

Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer: $177,498

Chief Mission Officer: $164,000

Additional information including salary grid scales of all Synod and district officials, staff and faculty members is available to congregations, pastors and rostered teachers by written request to Val Rhoden-Kimbrough, Executive Director of Human Resources, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7295.

Posted Sept. 24, 2015