
LCMS Notices listed here are from the Synod’s two official periodicals: “The Lutheran Witness” and “Reporter.”

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Statement of nominations: President, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne

Forty-two individuals were nominated by congregations of the LCMS, the CTSFW Board of Regents and the CTSFW faculty, per Synod bylaws. 

Official notice: LCMS districts (Jan. 2024)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Official notice: LCMS salary information (Nov. 2023)

Salaries of LCMS officers are published here.

Official notice: Statement of ownership, management and circulation (Oct. 2023)

A statement of ownership, management and circulation for Reporter, the official newspaper of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Official notice: LCMS universities (Oct. 2023)

A notice about the nondiscrimination policy at LCMS universities.

Official notice: LCMS seminaries (Oct. 2023)

A notice about the nondiscrimination policy at LCMS seminaries.

Official notice: 68th regular convention of the LCMS

The convention will convene at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee on Saturday, July 29.

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Official notice: Candidates for Synod president and vice-presidents

The 2023 nominations processes for the offices of President, First Vice-President and regional vice-presidents of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod have been completed.

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Official notice: Audits and summary budgets (March 2023)

Audits and summary budgets are available for the LCMS, LCEF, the LCMS Foundation, all 35 LCMS districts and Concordia Publishing House.

Official notice: Committee for Convention Nominations

The Committee for Convention Nominations provides slates of candidates for many of the officer, board and commission positions to be filled by the 2023 LCMS convention.

Official notice: LCMS salary information (Nov. 2022)

Salaries of LCMS officers are published here.

Official notice: Statement of ownership, management and circulation (Oct. 2022)

A statement of ownership, management and circulation for Reporter, the official newspaper of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Official notice: LCMS universities (Oct. 2022)

A notice about the nondiscrimination policy at LCMS universities.

Official notice: LCMS seminaries (Oct. 2022)

A notice about the nondiscrimination policy at LCMS seminaries.

Official notice: Audits and summary budgets (Feb. 2022)

Audits and summary budgets are available for the LCMS, LCEF, the LCMS Foundation, all 35 LCMS districts and Concordia Publishing House.

Official notice: LCMS salary information (Nov. 2021)

Salaries of LCMS officers are published here.