A statement of ownership, management and circulation for Reporter, the official newspaper of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
LCMS Notices listed here are from the Synod’s two official periodicals: “The Lutheran Witness” and “Reporter.”
Official notice: LCMS seminaries (Oct. 2021)
A notice about the nondiscrimination policy at LCMS seminaries.
Official notice: LCMS colleges and universities (Oct. 2021)
A notice about the nondiscrimination policy at LCMS colleges and universities.
Official notice: CUS governance model proposal — draft accreditation standards
An initial Concordia University System governance model proposal was released in March. Now an initial draft of accreditation standards is also available for review and comment.
Official notice: Report on 2019 Resolution 9-17
The report treats historical practices of voting and non-voting advisory representation at the conventions of the Synod and its districts.
Official notice: CUS governance model proposal and request for comment
At its Feb. 19 meeting, the LCMS Board of Directors approved dissemination of the initial Concordia University System governance model proposal developed by the 2019 Res. 7-03 committee.
Official notice: LCMS Office of the Secretary (March 2021)
The extension of the 2019–2022 triennium by a year, allowing district conventions to take place in either 2021 or 2022 and deferring the national Synod convention from 2022 to 2023, has been adopted.
Official notice: Audits and summary budgets (Jan. 2021)
Audits and summary budgets are available for the LCMS, LCEF, the LCMS Foundation, all 35 LCMS districts and Concordia Publishing House.
Official notice: Statement of ownership, management and circulation
A statement of ownership, management and circulation for Reporter, the official newspaper of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
Official notice: LCMS salary information (Nov. 2020)
Salaries of LCMS officers are published here.
Official notice: LCMS colleges and universities
A notice about the nondiscrimination policy at LCMS colleges and universities.
Official notice: Statement of nominations, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Electors meet Feb. 6, 2021, to elect the new president.
Official notice: LCMS seminaries (Sept. 2020)
A notice about the nondiscrimination policy at LCMS seminaries.
Statement of Nominations, Concordia University, Nebraska, Seward, Neb.
These individuals have been approved by the Prior Approval Panel (per LCMS Bylaws) for consideration to become the 11th president of Concordia University, Nebraska, Seward, Neb.
Official notice: Office of the Secretary (March 2020)
As the amendment of 2019 Res. 9-05 has obtained the required two-thirds majority in the affirmative, it therefore now stands ratified and in effect.
Official notice: Audits and summary budgets (Feb. 2020)
Audits and summary budgets are available for the LCMS, LCEF, the LCMS Foundation, all 35 LCMS districts and Concordia Publishing House.