Stanley to discuss religious freedom, Lutheran schools

Children aren’t always mentioned in all the news and opinions surrounding the topic of religious liberty. But Erik Stanley, senior legal counsel and director of the Church Project for Alliance Defending Freedom, believes that the impact of religious freedom on schools and the young people who attend them is actually a critical part of the discussion.


As part of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Free to be Faithful education and awareness initiative, Stanley and Worldwide KFUO radio host Kip Allen will discuss these issues on Nov. 18 at 2:30 p.m. CST.

Stanley will provide answers to questions like, “What should parents, teachers and school administrators be thinking about with regard to challenges to teaching the faith in Lutheran schools? What can a school do proactively to help prepare itself for these potential issues? What about employment for church workers and other school employees?” He also will take questions live on air from interested listeners.

For those unable to listen live, the discussion will be archived and free for download on following the broadcast.

Posted Nov. 2, 2015