Delegates to the 18th convention of the LCMS Wyoming District elected the Rev. John E. Hill of Casper, Wyo., to his first three-year term as district president.
The convention was held May 7-9 in Casper under the theme, “We Believe, Teach and Confess Holy Baptism.”
Hill, elected on the second ballot, had served as the district’s first vice-president since 2012 and has been pastor of Mount Hope Lutheran Church in Casper since 1996.
He succeeds the Rev. Richard O. Boche, who served three terms as district president and announced his retirement prior to the convention.
“I am grateful for the words of blessing given and the prayers offered to God as I enter into this office,” said Hill. “By God’s grace, we live in a time of confession. God grant our district and Synod faithfulness and zeal in the confession of Christ crucified.”
Also elected to their first terms were:
- Rev. Richard Neugebauer, pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Gering, Neb., first vice-president.
- Rev. Mark Maas, pastor of King of Glory Lutheran Church, Cheyenne, Wyo., second vice-president.
- Rev. Daniel Mulholland, pastor of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, Fort Bridger, Wyo., third vice-president.
All of the officers were installed during the convention.
The Wyoming District consists of LCMS congregations throughout all of Wyoming and the panhandle of Nebraska, plus one Colorado congregation.
Delegates approved several resolutions, including Resolution 1-02-2015 affirming that consciences are ultimately bound by the Word of God rather than Commission on Theology and Church Relations [CTCR] and Commission on Constitutional Matters [CCM] opinions.
“It was resolved that should a conflict arise between [interpretations of] Bylaws of Synod, particularly from the CTCR and the CCM, that the Wyoming District will expect its officers and agents to act in obedience to the Word of God without regard to possible consequences [from the] Synod,” said Third Vice-President Mulholland.
Another adopted resolution, 2-02-2015 — which calls on the LCMS to continue to defend religious freedom, the sanctity of marriage and life issues — represents a conviction to defend the freedom of religion, to hold fast to the biblical doctrine of the Two Kingdoms and to remain a strong voice for the sanctity of life, according to Mulholland.
Other adopted resolutions:
- affirm that the proper distinction of Law and Gospel is the correct approach to understanding the Holy Scriptures.
- request that the Synod triennial emphasis be “Living the Gospel in the World.”
- call for a task force to look into establishing a Lutheran high school in the district.
- ask the Synod to form a committee to explore the establishment of classical-education training for Lutheran teachers in the Concordia University System.
Posted May 15, 2015