Free to be Faithful Reporter Insert — May 2016

2016-May-FTBF-Insert-r2-1In response to increasing intrusions by government in the realm of the church, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) launched its “Free to be Faithful” campaign in September 2012 to educate and move people to take informed action to protect religious freedom and stay informed on the cultural issues that pertain to it: confessing the faith in the public square, marriage, defending the sanctity of human life and related issues affecting religious liberty.

In this insert for the May Reporter, a portion of LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison’s Letter to Pastors sent March 3 is provided. In addition, information about landmark cases being heard by the High Court this year is shared.

The insert also offers information about other religious liberty resources available on the LCMS and KFUO websites.

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Visit to learn more about the LCMS Free to be Faithful campaign and its available resources.