KFUO Audio: Critical issues facing Lutheran schools in today’s political landscape


KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates discussed issues facing Lutheran schools during interviews with the Rev. Bart Day, Executive Director of the LCMS Office of National Mission; Terry Schmidt, Director of LCMS School Ministry; and Gregory S. Baylor, Senior Counsel and Director of the Center for Religious Schools at the Alliance Defending Freedom.

Topics included Title IX implications, Title VII employment discrimination issues and how Lutheran schools can move forward with confidence. LCMS school officials wonder how they will faithfully navigate the future as the legal landscape changes for faith-based institutions. Recent legal issues with LCMS and other Christian schools have focused on accepting state and federal dollars and the implications.

Interview Part 1: June 7, 2016


Interview Part 2: June 8, 2016



Watch your mailbox for “Protecting Your Ministry,” a joint resource from the LCMS and Alliance Defending Freedom that offers helpful guidance on protecting religious organizations from potential complaints. The document will be mailed to all LCMS congregations and schools in mid-July.

Visit lcms.org/schools for more information about the work of LCMS School Ministry.

Audio interview courtesy of KFUO Radio.

KFUO Radio is the listener-supported broadcast ministry of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, operating KFUO-AM 850 Lutheran talk radio in St. Louis, Mo.