KFUO program to discuss Lutherans and upcoming election



Should we Lutherans vote? Can we not vote? What is the role of our conscience in guiding our vote?

Worldwide KFUO’s October “Free to be Faithful” program will look at the obligation of Lutherans in the “left-hand kingdom” regarding the upcoming presidential election.

The Rev. Larry L. Beane II joins KFUO moderator Kip Allen at 2:30 p.m. Central time, Oct. 19, on Worldwide KFUO radio to discuss the obligation of Lutherans in the “left-hand kingdom” regarding the upcoming presidential election.The Rev. Larry L. Beane II joins moderator Kip Allen at 2:30 p.m. Central time, Oct. 19, on Worldwide KFUO radio and streaming online at kfuo.org.

Listeners are encouraged to pose questions by calling 800-730-2727 or emailing publicsquare@kfuo.org.

Beane is a 2004 graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., and he currently serves as pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Gretna, La.

Beane has taught apologetics, economics and government for Wittenberg Academy — an online accredited Lutheran high school — since 2013. He also has participated in panels at several meetings of the Mises Institute, named after Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises.

During the program’s discussion, Allen will assume the role of a Lutheran layman asking a pastor for advice on his responsibilities within the context of Luther’s doctrine of the two kingdoms. This broadcast will not address specific candidates. A previous program examined the two major parties’ platforms and candidates’ positions on issues of importance to the LCMS.

Allen leads “Free to be Faithful” discussions on the third Wednesday of each month, beginning at 2:30 p.m. Central time.

Previous interviews are available on-demand at kfuoam.org/category/free-to-be-faithful.