Over the past year, as legal changes and pressures have increased, many have been asking and waiting for help and guidance from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod as our congregations, schools and ministries navigate tumultuous waters.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is a valued friend of the Synod. At the recent Synod convention, we overwhelmingly passed Res. 14-10A “To Thank Alliance Defending Freedom” for their collaborative partnership with us. We are now proud to collaborate with them in the publication of this booklet.
Protecting Your Ministry (From Sexual Orientation Gender Identity Lawsuits) is a legal guide for LCMS congregations, schools and ministries. Please read through this entire booklet carefully to understand the full scope of the issues and how you can protect various ministries.
Now is not the time for compromise. It’s time once again for a Reformation. “Here I stand.” By holding to our core biblical convictions, fighting for our God-given rights of conscience and fighting against government intrusion into the church and the lives of Christians, we stand firm not only for our church and those who shall follow us; we take a stand for the First Amendment religious liberty for all people.
Our prayer is this resource will help you deal with a variety of legal challenges facing churches, religious nonprofits and believers today. Additional information can be found at lcms.org/freetobefaithful and ADFlegal.org.
“Take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded” (2 Chron. 15:7).
Download Protecting Your Ministry