ADF’s Campbell to discuss hate June 21 on KFUO

We are Free to be Faithful - KFUO InterviewA Lutheran pastor talks to a Christian campus group about traditional marriage and is denounced as a hateful bigot. Christian business people refuse to make special items that violate their consciences and are hauled into court and put out of business. Faith-based adoption and foster care agencies are denied state contracts because of pressure from LGBT groups. A U.S. senator says a man’s belief that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation is so hateful that it disqualifies a Christian from public office.


On June 21, Jim Campbell, senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, will join moderator Kip Allen on June’s “Free to be Faithful” program on Worldwide KFUO to talk about what hate is and how it is being used today.

Campbell will discuss how the charge of “hate” is increasingly being used as a tool to delegitimize points of view and opinions that differ from the progressive narrative.

The program with Campbell will air at 2:30 p.m. (Central time) June 21 on Worldwide KFUO, and will stream online at Allen moderates such “Free to be Faithful” discussions on Worldwide KFUO the third Wednesday of each month.

Posted June 20, 2017