Chinese mission society announces Aug. 4-7 seminar

Attendees at last year’s Chinese Seminar on Holy Scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism listen to one of the featured speakers. This year’s seminar sponsored by the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Society for the Chinese is planned for Aug. 4-7 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind. (Michael Paul)

The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Society for the Chinese will hold its Fourth Annual Chinese Seminar on Holy Scripture and Luther’s Small Catechism Aug. 4-7 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

The seminar — which will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese — is designed especially for Mandarin-speaking North American Chinese Christians who would like to engage in a deeper study of Scripture and the Catechism using Mandarin Chinese.

Study topics include the basics of salvation, the scriptural narrative of salvation and Luther’s Small Catechism, with a focus this year on the Ten Commandments, the Creed and the Table of Duties. Matins and Compline will be conducted daily, and on Sunday morning attendees will attend a Divine Service at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne.

Seminar presenters — all LCMS clergymen — include:

  • Rev. Dr. Michael Paul, theological educator to Taiwan with the LCMS Office of International Mission (OIM).
  • Rev. Dr. Don Wiley, guest professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions at Concordia Theological Seminary.
  • Rev. Xinhong “Chris” Yang, evangelistic missionary to Asia with the Synod’s OIM.

With funding from the Synod’s Office of National Mission, the seminar “is designed especially for Mandarin-speaking lay Christians who are interested in gaining a better understanding of basic Lutheran theology,” Paul told Reporter. “In past years, the seminar has also been helpful for Chinese church workers from other denominational backgrounds to gain a better understanding of LCMS teachings as they consider colloquizing into the LCMS.”

Concordia Theological Seminary was chosen as the seminar location “to encourage attendees to consider further study to become pastors or deaconesses in the LCMS,” Paul added.

Registration is $150 and covers all seminar costs, including sessions, meals and lodging.

The Evangelical Lutheran Mission Society for the Chinese (ELMSC) will cover up to $400 in transportation costs for the first 10 registrants. Registration is limited to 20 participants.

For a registration form and tentative schedule, click here.

Mail the completed registration form — along with a check payable to “ELMSC” — to ELMSC, 100 E. Michigan St., Evansville, IN 47711. The deadline for registrations is July 15.

For more information about the seminar or the ELMSC, send an email to

Posted June 14, 2017