Klaus, Meyer returning to ‘The Lutheran Hour’ Nov. 5

Former Speakers Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Klaus, left, and Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, right, return to “The Lutheran Hour” Nov. 5. Current Speaker Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz — whose last broadcast will air Oct. 29 — has been named as the first executive director of the LCMS Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty in Washington, D.C.

Beginning Nov. 5, the weekly broadcast of “The Lutheran Hour” will feature the Rev. Dr. Kenneth R. Klaus and the Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, former speakers for the radio program from 2002 to 2010, and from 1989 to 2001, respectively. “The Lutheran Hour” is sponsored by Lutheran Hour Ministries, part of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League, an LCMS auxiliary.

The regular appearances of Klaus and Meyer are part of a transition plan being implemented following current Speaker Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz’s recent acceptance of a call to serve as the first executive director of the LCMS Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty in Washington, D.C. (Read a related Reporter story, “Seltz to direct Synod’s new Washington office.”)

Seltz’s last “Lutheran Hour” broadcast will be recorded in Wittenberg, Germany, and will air Sunday, Oct. 29.   

“In a year where we celebrate the 100th anniversary of Lutheran Hour Ministries [LHM], we are extremely pleased to honor the legacy of ‘The Lutheran Hour’ program by announcing that these two popular speakers have agreed to assist us while we search for the next individual who will share the Good News of Jesus Christ over the airwaves,” said LHM President and CEO Kurt Buchholz.

“Generations of people in our listening audience have been blessed to learn from and be strengthened in the faith by Dr. Klaus and Dr. Meyer. We look forward to their continued role in this important ministry that remains a critical part of LHM’s focus on media outreach.”

Since his retirement from the full-time speaker role in 2010, Klaus has been recording monthly sermons for “The Lutheran Hour” and writing many of LHM’s Daily Devotions.

During his time as speaker, Meyer — president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, since 2004 — also was host of LHM’s “On Main Street” weekly television program.

“The Lutheran Hour” airs on nearly 1,800 stations throughout North America and reaches more than 1 million listeners each week, according to LHM.

The weekly broadcast also may be heard anytime at lutheranhour.org or through a mobile app for iPhones and Android devices.

Posted July 14, 2017